The new "enterprise" switches

I have a new 2.5g 48port switch and I’m having a hell of a time getting this thing whipped into shape :slight_smile:

Our architecture for test deployment: B One 5G > 48 Port Switch > Clients

We have a management VLAN of 10 and User VLAN of 100 (there are more, but let’s keep it simple). We want to trunk vl10,100 from a port on the B One 5G to the switch, and have management traffic run over vl10.

Full disclosure, I’m relatively new to Peplink switches, so some of these issues may in fact be ‘features’. I’m used to Juniper, Cisco, Meraki, and even Unifi, so forgive me if I bring something up that’s expected, I just wanted to share my full experience.

My issues:

  • Changing the management / uplink vlan (to access IC2) is only possible from local device interface
  • Upon updating management/uplink vlan settings, there is an error presented: Management Interface Patch VLAN Has Binded Fail (Parsing Fail). The changes never save
  • As a result of the above, the switch only functions using vlan1 as a management vlan
  • After working to configure, the switch will often wedge and require a reboot and, sometimes, a factory reset
  • When first provisioning this device in a factory default state, its connectivity with IC2 was flapping every 4-5 minutes with messages in the log of “InControl is updating Admin management and SD switch configuration”. This would cause the device to show orange in IC2 and then come back after 60 seconds or so.
  • There is no documentation anywhere to be found for switch OS 2.0.0. Moreover, these switches aren’t even listed on the website. If I’m missing it, that’s on me, but I checked extensively. The only documentation I can find are the spec sheets on 5GStore (shoutout to y’all).
  • While it’s noted in IC2, apparently you can’t limit access to the management interface via device systems management on these switches.

Again, these may not be bugs or problems, they may be my personal issues with adapting to Peplink switches, but we’ll need to return some of these and roll with cat9300s for clients that need something more reliable and predictable switches.

Anyone else seeing the same issues?? Or am I just crazy? :slight_smile:


OK, here’s a fun one. Working with a client on why they cant connect to one of their devices on the same vlan/subnet. After doing all kinds of troubleshooting, one of the AP One AXs just went offline and wouldn’t come back. We couldn’t factory reset it (the instructions in the manual are not accurate I think). Further to this, any device connected to the switch couldn’t ping it’s default gateway (the B One 5G) or other devices on its own subnet, but it COULD connect to the internet. Insane.

Want to know what fixed it? A factory reset of the switch. That fixed all the problems. What’s up with these switches???

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@ChristopherSpitler ,

Please create a ticket here for support team to help on the setup. This is the first cloud switch and the configuration concept a bit different compare to other switches.

For the user manual, we will make sure it’s available for access.

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I’ll submit a ticket, but would love to have a live conversation via Zoom or otherwise to go over the issues.

We’re about to return 3 of the 4 switches we just purchased due to the numerous issues and unpredictability we’ve had with them.

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@sitloongs : Can you explain what you mean and point us to comprehensive documentation? Particularly, I’m curious as to what you mean by “cloud switch.” The issues raised by @ChristopherSpitler are very troubling given we have two active Deal Registrations for good customers for several of these devices.

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@sitloongs I just submitted a ticket (25010526), and I would like to clarify that the setup is not the issue, it’s the stability of the switching platform.

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I have a bunch of these on order and one is slated to go in a 911 call center. I bought these because the previous model switches we got have been absolutely rock solid and problem free and I’m expecting the same from the new version, and reading this I am finding myself a bit concerned.

@Peplink, what EXACTLY do you mean by “first cloud switch” and being different than the old ones? Are these not locally configurable? If they aren’t, I need to cancel my orders.


Hi, @sitloongs .

Please… I have another question…

IF these devices are only cloud management switches (IC2 only) and a customer stop renew the primecare. like the PRM-A-1Y / PCP-A-1Y .

What will happen?


As of the software version I have (2.0.0) they are only locally configurable to change the management uplink choice (which seems to be broken per my post), firmware upgrades, reboot, diagnostic mode ,and enable/disable ports. You can’t change anything else locally. The bigger issue is that the switch loses connection with IC2 often (we have two running right now that just randomly go orange for a minute or two, then come back).

@Noah_Helterbrand after experiencing significant issues with the two I’ve deployed, if I was deploying a PSAP I would switch to an alternate for the time being.


Peplink lunch an update to version 2.0.1.


You’re awesome :slight_smile: Will apply this and see if it helps any of the other issues. However, a single fix is kinda missing the point. I’d like to understand if it wasn’t applying the changes and then indicating they WERE applied, or if it just discards them. We’ve seen instances that indicate both situations are happening. This is reminiscent of an issue where Cisco 4500X switches would fail to program TCAMs silently and your ACLs just wouldn’t be in effect, a major major issue…

@Travis and team, I don’t want to complain just to complain, I want to be part of the solution. If you want me to be up and online during HKG working hours to sit on a Zoom and work through this with the BU/eng team, I will 100000% do that and replicate these issues live, and work to solve them with you. Just ask and I’ll be there.

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@ChristopherSpitler : We have two approved Deal Registrations which include the new line of switches. IC2-configure-only is an absolute show-stopper. Thank you for mentioning this so we can kill the deals and refer to a competitive product. Much appreciated! Better we send business to others than embarrass ourselves.

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Happy to hear I could help. I LOVE Peplink devices and lead with Peplink at every turn, but it’s hard for me to sell these switches considering the issues I’ve had, so I totally understand your hesitation as well. I talked with my two clients that have these switches now and explained what’s going on, but that I believed the platform was stable as currently configured, and we will be leaving them installed. Outside of that, we are returning our additional stock aside from keeping one on hand to see when things are better to begin selling them again.

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I have the same feelings about Peplink. However, requiring owners to use IC2 to configure their devices, to apply FW patches, and other activities is extremely limiting for multiple reasons. I have communicated these concerns to Plover Bay’s management more than once and do not believe I have “gotten through” at all.
I’ll be pleased to give you more details if you care to contact me via phone or e-mail.


Dear all,

We understand your frustration as the new switch has a different concept from the old one. As mentioned by Sit Loong, it is a cloud switch. The configuration is done on InControl2. Only the External Access (same as SD Switch) and firmware upgrade can be done locally.

In order to have a better experience with the new switch, you may follow the guide below:

  1. The switch comes with the native VLAN 1 (Untagged). All switch ports are set as Access VLAN1 by default. So, External Access of the switch will be grabbing IP and accessing internet through Native/Untagged VLAN when it is connected to the network.

  2. Once the switch is showing online from InControl2, you may add new VLANs and then configure the switch ports (Set Trunk or Access with relevant VLANs). Please always ensure the uplink port of the switch Trunk with the VLAN of External Access to avoid it loss contact with InControl2.

Local configuration is not supported at the moment. Anyway, we hear your concerns and know where you come from. This will bring to the teams for further discussion.


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wishlist: can the ports default to Trunk vl1-1024 default/native vl1?

This is problematic. While configuration is occuring, special care must be made to do things in the correct order or you lose access to the switch. Given that we can’t do any real configuration locally (which is a surprise to myself and others), and that updating the management interface fails, if you misconfigure or do it in the wrong order you may have to factory reset the switch.

We should be specific here. You say “at the moment” indicating that it’s being worked on. What does the roadmap look like? Can Peplink share more information to partners at a minimum?

I think the issue is that there is zero documentation around this switch, firmware 2.0.1 has a single line release note (lol), and Peplink has fundamentally changed the switching platform and stripped features down with zero communication on these changes to partners.


Yes, absolutely. This is much of the issue. But the real issue for us is that no product should ever require access to “the cloud” for core functionality. Full stop. For the users who are OK with this and love and trust “the cloud,” and for whom security is not an issue, fine. But I’d hope Peplink would do better. If Peplink intends to fix this glaring issue – we need to know ASAP. If not, we need to know that also. I/we love the company but there are “issues” here. [I’m going to leave it at that – for now – pending a full explanation and commitment from Plover Bay’s management and principal owners.] Standing by … :wink:



My sell generally has a few lines in it about “there are licenses, but if you truly don’t want them, or if you just neglect to renew, your device will still work.” At this point, I can’t say that anymore with switching, and even with Cisco you need DNA licensing (or Meraki licenses). So, if Peplink requires license for these “cloud switches” to work, now there’s no real reason to sell them.


I know I’m old school, but I like my tools to not be tied to a subscription to function. I know, the whole world is going to subscription for recurring revenue, but that’s a reason I got away from some other brands.

I also strongly prefer being able to isolate my gear from cloud control if I want to (e.g. not directly related in any way to this, but when we saw all the windows computer shut down because of the CrowdStrike update last year, it didn’t make me want to have everything fully cloud managed.) If something does happen where the cloud has an interruption, I want to have direct control over my gear.

Just my two cents, but I hope peplink will continue providing a full local interface.


I have 4 of the PLS-24-H2G-410W switches arriving next week because the SD-Switch models were not available when I tried to order them in September.

I have SDXs, MBX 5Gs, AP One AXs, MAX Transits, and some other models.
I do not use IC2 but do keep EssentialCare current for most devices.

I use Peplink equipment at locations where Internet access is intermittent and unreliable. Some of these are temporary setups providing a critical service that needs to work whether or not an Internet connection is available. I need to be able to change switch port options without worrying about Internet access or the availability of the IC2 cloud service.
It never occurred to me that Peplink would introduce a switch that requires Internet access to function.

Can we get confirmation that there will be a local configuration web interface added to the new Peplink switches with the ability to disable IC2?

I am a supporter of Peplink products but I will not be paying a subscription for a layer 2 switch.