Synergy Mode & LAN ports

With synergy mode obviously launched with WAN combining in mind is there any indiciation that we might also be able to leverage the available LAN ports of the synergised devices? I note the Network page of the GUI of the balance 20x in my test environment shows graphical representations of both itself and the synergised BR1 pro 5G but the ports of the 5G are not listed in the ports table and are also grey circles on the graphic…


I was just wondering if this were possible and a Google search brought up this post - was there ever any conversation about this?

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This is an interesting idea.

We’ve been keen to discover abilities to share Wi-Fi on a Synergy device - if we can get LAN across as well it would be useful for lots of things!

@AgentAdam - I’m sure this is something you’d find useful as well?

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I think having the WiFi LAN available on products like the Dome Pro would be great.

That said you only have one cable to the synergy device, so only 1Gbps of available band width to play with for all WANs and LANs.

Worth having a discussion about though.

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That is correct - but for various deployments where max speed, but just a connection is required it would be beneficial.

Or in cases where you have deployed SDX in multiple spaces with 10GB backhaul.
Then it have merit!

Or the new 2.5Gbps port devices (BR1/BR2 Pro etc…)… :slight_smile:



Where you have a SFP+ option or the 2.5Gbps that say a BR2 gives you ,it really does make sense

Synergy LAN as well as Synergy LAN could be very useful


I like this idea…

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