STOLEN! Have you every have a router stolen while in transit?

Hey, Have any of you have a router stolen while in transit?
We did.
Want to hear a story?


I renamed it as a stolen device at IC2.

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Hi MarceloBarros,
Yes, we did the same.
And guess what, it went live yesterday.

We aslo locked down the outbound And added a SSID of STOLEN! please call (add in our contact phone no.)

Nice idea… Also… add a rule for outgoing? deny?

What you think? Maybe open a support ticket… just to Peplink register as a stolen device?

And we now have the location…
And the guy as added his email to the Peplink App…

What happens next?

Can we do anything else?


I don’t had the same luck of you… Never see device at IC2 powered on, again.

and… no… nothing happened… maybe my fault… I don’t warning Peplink about the fact of stolen device.

you have a location then you call the police?

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I wish we could load a firmware version to brick the device…

We had a router stolen and made a police report about it.
Submitted the police report to Peplink support for it to be marked as stolen and do not RMA if it ever gets back to Peplink.

Don’t forget to @ before a name if you want to tag us :wink:
What you did looks like the right way to deal with it.

  1. Inform Peplink
  2. Lock the device with a new password
  3. Add an SSID as you did with details
  4. Add outbound policy deny all
  5. Report to police? Or insurance…