Starlink WAN Failed HTTP Test

Hey Everyone,

I have a Starlink on my boat connected through Peplink to provide a wireless network. The Starlinks personal wifi is off, so it goes through the Peplink to create a network.

My question, which I hope you all can give some insight into, is why I am having Health Check issues. Pictures are below to indicate my settings. I only solution I have found is to disable Health Check completely, but I would prefer to have a Health Check involved. I have tried changing to a PING, DNS, and HTTP. I currently run it on HTTP. I am not sure if the rain is a factor, but every time it rains, I get a Health Check failure. I’m sure it’s more than that since it also happens when it is not raining. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Health checks failures are normally a pretty good indicator that something is going wrong with your connectivity.

Do you have obstructions perhaps?

Starlink does not like rain especially heavy rain. What does your starlink app show for the corresponding times ?

For the second URL check you will need to look for matching string “NeverSSL” instead of current “success”.

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No obstructions. Starlink is mounted on the roof with nothing in its way.

Rain isn’t too heavy, but it could definitely be enough to cause some problems. When I check the app, it shows “Disconnected”

I will change that now. Thanks

so doesnt sound like a peplink problem if the app is connecting and its showing the dish as disconnected?

Correct, at least I believe. Peplink is online and receiving a Wi-Fi signal, but when I log in to the Peplink URL, Starlink shows a WAN failed HTTP test, and when on the Starlink app, it shows the dish as disconnected.

ok so you have a starlink problem.

I believe so; however, it might be an issue with the connection with the peplink. Not sure exactly how everything works so looking for some insight.

no, if you can connect to the dish app successfully, and its showing the DISH as disconnected, then thats a DISH issue. look at the STARLINK APP and it should be pretty self explanatory.

So what do I need to look for on the Starlink App so I can figure out why it keeps failing WAN HTTP test?