Hello everyone, I am using Peplink B One 5G and Peplink 20X to establish a SpeedFusion VPN. Both devices are running firmware version 8.5.1.
On the Peplink B One 5G device, I have configured WAN1 and WAN2 as external connections. The SpeedFusion VPN configuration is shown in the diagram:
The SpeedFusion VPN connection status is shown in the diagram:
The issue I am currently encountering is that when WAN1 loses connectivity, the device automatically switches to WAN2. However, during the switching process, there seems to be a brief network interruption. As shown in the diagram, using the Ping tool to ping the endpoint of the other VPN device results in a temporary network disconnection:
Are there any settings that can prevent or reduce this issue? Thank you.
what priority are the WANs in on the WAN page, outside speedfusion?
I have set the priority for both WAN1 and WAN2 to 1(Highest):
What does your outbound policy look like?
Are you sure you are sending traffic via the tunnel?
Hi Kevin,
Welcome to the forum!
On the SpeedFusion VPN page you can find the Send all Traffic to and Speedfusion VPN settings with Link failure detection time.
The Send all traffic to will over rule your Outbound policies and send all traffic over the VPN.
The Link Failure Detection Time will adjust the health check. This will result in faster switching however increases the amount of health checks performed and thus increasing bandwidth overhead.
We always test from a client in the network to the other router with ping via the Command prompt. This shows you what customers/clients experiencing in the network.
Another option is when you don’t want to over rule the Outbound policies make sure you are selecting the outbound policy that could use the VPN connection.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you all for your assistance. I adjusted the Link Failure Detection Time for SpeedFusion VPN to “Extreme” and enabled “Send All Traffic To.”
From the ping test results, the disconnection has been reduced to a single timeout message. Could this be the hardware limitation of the device?
Hi Kevin,
No worries
So for the disconnect there is no way to reduce the amount of retries. If you have applications below a second I’d recommend to try WAN Smoothing if that works for you. This way the Peplink will replicate the packages and this could reduce the amount of timeout messages.
Let me know if that works for you.
Kind regards,
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