SpeedFusion VPN to replace SurfShark for streaming video services from remote international location?

Happy new year Peplink community. I have a boat located in the Caribbean with a Peplink Balance Two + AP One AX as the network hub. I use Starlink + 5G as the WAN’s. My streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, etc) are US based accounts and today I use a laptop and Surfshark app to connect to the streaming services via the WAN in order to watch shows while in the Caribbean. I’m new to SpeedFusion and was wondering if I can use the SpeedFusion VPN and the Balance Two hub to replace the SurfShark / Laptop and then stream directly from the Balance Two to devices like smart TV’s, laptops and smart phones? Any tips or advice on this topic would be very welcome. Thanks!

Yes, Speedfusion would work that way, but then you have another problem. SF and most VM hosted FusionHubs are in IP space (ASN) that is listed as “commercial” or Co-lo and the streaming providers won’t accept clients from that space. They assume it is a proxy or some other way to get around their location blocks.

Your best solution is to put a FH or small peplink router at a friend or family location that sits on consumer fiber. That will always appear as “from the US”.

You could attempt to connect to the Surfshark service directly from the Peplink via OpenVPN and then route that traffic directly, but success is not guaranteed with random open VPN systems.


Thanks @Paul_Mossip. That’s sort of what I was thinking. Looks like I need an Open VPN WAN license to try that out. (LIC-OPN-WAN). I will give that a go and see how it works. Thanks again.