Speed fusion VPN Configuaration

Good day everyone.

I have two pepwaves, one is Max700 and the other one is Max Transist. I have been trying to configure Speedfusion VPN without any success. I have tried to get static public IP address, but still I am not wining. I need to have one device in my office and use the other one in mobile, so that I can send the traffic to the one in my office. If anyone is willing to help solve this problem, please guys. I don’t have static public IP address, because I am using LTE in both locations.

Assuming the basic need is for the mobile to access devices in the office (and possibly vice versa)?

You can achieve that by creating a FusionHub instance (we use FusionHub Solo (free) on the UpCloud platform), and then establish a VPN between the FusionHub and each of the two sites. The FusionHub will route between the two locations as long as they each advertise their local network address segments. (Which is enabled by default.)

For the Solo to work at least one of the two Peplink routers must be a prime subscription device.

A more direct approach is to pay for a static IP address from your carrier for at least one of the two units. I understand that Verizon allows this (or at least used to).



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And once more, unto the breech:

If you don’t want to mess with establishing your own FusionHub, and you don’t have the heart for persuading the carrier to provide a static IP, another option is to activate SpeedFusion Connect Relay mode on the transit router. That provides you with an identity sharing code.
Then you activate SpeedFusion Connect Client mode on the Max700, select “Relay Sharing” (instead of a built-in location) and provide the code.
That establishes a SpeedFusion connection between the two units.
And you’re off to the races.

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