Speed Fusion plan A

Hi Team ,

If we activate speed fusion plan A that will be support by local telecommunication carrier how can we manage data that comes with this plan ?

I’m not sure I understand your question. But if if you inquiring as to how you know the status of your usage and expiration date this information is shown in the Dashboard of your device. Here’s an example:

Look at the last row of the table. Does this help?

thank you !

No, I want to know how use the data when it is needed or how to control usage of the data ?

OK, that’s an entirely different question. First, there are two ways to send data to SFC. The first may be found under the SpeedFusion Cloud menu:

The second method is to use Outbond policies such as this example:

In this case we’re sending VOIP traffic using port 5061 to the SFC node in Atlanta. (We use the second approach.)

Why? SFC allows you to take advantage of important benefits SpeedFusion has to offer such as WAN smoothing, nearly-instant fail-over, and strategies to mitigate packet loss and jitter. SFC can be a huge benefit when using products like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, tele-medicine, SIP telephony, etc. There are many discussions about that here on the Forum and you can find them with a search. There are also several good videos on Youtube. @Travis did one of the first ones and it can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p3P05N1NzY. There are several other good ones.

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