Speed fusion Configs

Good day.

After I have requested the Fibre line and I requested my service provide to give me a static public ip address, I have tried to configure speed fusion, but my tunnels are not connected. I am here requesting anyone who is available to help me configure my tunnels. I have two pepwave routers. One is Max 700 and other Max transist pro. I made sure that the Transist pro has wan with static public IP internet connected.

Good day…
about your speedfusion connection…
One side… must have a public ip address ; you already have; nice.
other side… can be cgnat/nat, but, must have an internet access.

(public ip address side) / TST-PRO
At speedfusion settings…
Will have the " remote id " and the password

(not public ip address side) / MAX700
at speedfusion settings…
Will have the " public ip remote id ", the password (same of the other side) and the public ip address.

Look the WAN ip address of your tst-pro…
to be public ip address:

  • cannot be:
  • 192.168.x.x
  • 172.16.x.x to 172.31.x.x
  • 10.x.x.x
  • 100.64.x.x to 100.127.x.x

Please… take a look at:

This video will help you to understanding how to configure speedfusion.


Other thing…
You have two " posts " with same questions?

" Site to site VPN on Max700 to Max700 - #6 by MarceloBarros "