Sometimes lose connection to fusion hub

Hi you

I have 3 BR1 mini connect to Fusion hub. Only 1 BR1 sometimes loses connection to Fusion hub and immediately reconnects after 3-5 minutes. That device doesn’t lose power or lose network, I watch it on the cloud and it’s always online.
I am setting the IP address ranges as follows
BR1-01 : (This is a device that often loses connection)


Whats the event log on the BR1 mini say?

Hi you

I send a log for you to see

You may have a connection to the internet , but there could be a routing issue on the internet keeping you from reaching the fusionhub. IF you have ping enabled on the fusionhub you could set your br1 healthcheck to ping the fusionhub and if it fails then you would see the connection go offline.

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I often get connection loss error like this

The logs shown that the device fails to reach to the FusionHub device. May I know the BR1 device connecting using Cellular WAN only ? If yes , can you please check the Cellular WAN running status ?

Also you can consider to change the BR1 device WAN health check to ping to the FusionHub WAN IP. When the PepVPN connection having issue again , you can compare the WAN health check status compare to the PepVPN connection status.

Make sure you allow ping at the FusionHub end.