Social Wi-Fi - Social media account support - Line

Dear Sirs,

Is there has plan to support Line account to Social Wi-Fi?

Cuz LINE has dominated 3 nations in Asia: Japan, Taiwan and Thailand and it is very popular with teens / young adults.
It also supported business application like Premium ID (Line@, just like wechat official account), main page, follow/follower function.

Thank you.

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We will look into this. Stay tuned.

Hi Stone, we are looking into the API. We find that, first, it does not allow us to launch the LINE app to perform the sign-in. Guests have to input their LINE username & password manually. Second, there is no API to force a guest to follow a page. Third, we cannot collect useful user information. Only display name, user image (picture URL), and the user’s status message are available. So it seems there is not much business value to support to sign-in with LINE. What do you think?

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your reply.

And if for the project needs, it only can be:

  1. portal login, user enter their username and password.
  2. redirect to the shop main page.


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  1. Yes, guests have to input their username and password on the web.

  2. No. It is still possible to redirect a specific landing page. What I want to raise in point 2 and 3 is that, as a hotspot operator, you can only know your guests are LINE users. Our system can neither force your guests to follow your page (for advertising), nor collect their personal profile. The business value of sign-in with LINE will be questionable.

Hi Michael,

Got it, many thanks.