SmartCheck in all WAN Connection Settings

I use the built in Cellular modem of my B One 5G and a secondary cellular modem connected to a physical WAN port. For the built in cellular modem, I have it set to SmartCheck. I am unable to choose this option for any other WAN connections. Is there a reason this option isn’t available? Can you add this option if it does indeed save data? I can’t be the only one doing this.


About Smartcheck

SmartCheck is a health check method used by Peplink routers to limit data usage on cellular connections. It works by sending an ICMP ping request to a target host if it doesn’t receive a response within 10 seconds.

How it works

  1. If the router is using a cellular WAN connection, it will use SmartCheck.
  2. If the router doesn’t receive a response from the target host within 10 seconds, it will send an ICMP ping request.
  3. If necessary, the router will send pings to the DNS servers on the cellular WAN.

Why it’s useful

SmartCheck is useful for limiting data usage on cellular connections.

" The SmartCheck algorithm is specifically for Cellular connections and was added to reduce cellular data usage. "