Both the new BR1 Pro CAT20 and 5G are proving really popular with our maritime partners especially with the new lower pricing however not making the SIM injector compatible is a major oversight any chance in future firmware updates for these models could the SIM Injector feature be added essential for the 5G version?
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Hi Justin,
we are thinking about adding SIM Injector support to BR1 Pro 5G. This will not happen soon, but very likely new HW revision will include it. No release dates are available yet.
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Any further thoughts/updates on adding SIM injector functionality for the BR1 Pro CAT20 models, especially the 5G version so this can be mounted within the new generation of maritime dome antennas reducing the impact of RF cable gain loss?
The current plan is to leave the BR1 Pro Cat20 as it is. We might add SIM Injector functionality to the next HW version, but this will not happen soon.