SFC Relay Using Wifi SSID

I have a BR1 Pro Max 5G router with a speed fusion connect relay. I’ve set up both and have access through in control.

The traffic on the Condo SSID doesn;t seem to be routing through the relay. The SSID for SFC “Condo (SFC-RELAY-CLIENT-8467)” has no internet connection. I have followed the configuration instructions but must be missing something.

The br1 pro max 5g is located where, with what internet source?
The Speedfusion connect relay is located where , with what internet source?
Can you do a screenshot of the speedfusion connections from both devices?

The BR1 is in my RV with a Starlink wan connection. The relay is in my condo with a Cox Wan connection.

Relay status.

The Speed fusion says it’s “starting”. But never starts.

Try upgrading the firmware on the relay.
It looks like br1 pro 5g, first needs a connection to a SFC server, then I think the relay will work.
Try checking this guide.

OK. The BR1 Pro 5G is connected to Starlink and is in my RV.

The Relay is connected to my Cox internet router in my home. I’ve linked the relay to the router using a sharing code, I have upgraded the relay firmware and configured it as a Relay for inbound access. Ive then configured the BR1 under Speed Fusion Connect, CLient for outbound access using the sharing code generated by the Relay.

I then used the SFC, Outbound Traffic Steering Priority to configure a separate wifi network to utilise the relay (Route by Wi-Fi SSID option).

Based on your note, I’ve also set-up the MAx BR1 Pro 5G as a relay for inbound and outbound access and have sharing codes for each, but don;t know where to put them. I can see both devices in Incontrol and can access each of them.

I’ve also configured the BR1 for relay mode - for inbound access using the closest SFC servers in DFW, but that doesn’t seem to do anything other tnan generate a new sharing code for the router.

When looking at the event log, I see the relay could location says “invalid”.

Let’s take a step back, what is the end goal you want to do?
Can you include the current dashboard status of the br1 pro , and the SFC?

Thanks for your patience Jonathan. My goal is to have a wifi network in my RV that has an apparent presence in the condo. This will allow me to connect my streaming devices to the wofo netwrok that connects to the relay at the condo to make it appear that my streaming is occuring at the condo vs on the road. So I want to have the BR1 (in the RV) to route a particular SSID to the relay which is connected to my COX internet at the condo).

Here is the dashboard of the relay:

and here is the dashboard of the BR1

Here is the screen for the relay SFC

and here is the screen of the BR1 SFC

Are you able to connect the sfc relay hrough DFW sfc ? I see the BR1 pro says it’s connected?