Pepwave noob here. Is there a way to prioritize wan’s within the same priority category on the UBR LTE?
I am using the repeater wan and Sim card 1. When they are both in Priority 1 the sim takes priority over the repeater. My current repeater wan is faster than my sim 1 but all devices are running off of sim 1 because it sits higher in Priority 1. I can’t drag the repeater wan over the sim wan, and when I bump the sim wan down to priority 2 is goes to standby. I know I have to use the fusion cloud to bond the connections together, but it seems that I am still only running on Sim 1 when running my computer through to the Fusion Cloud.
I am also using a Verizon hotspot on the wired wan which takes top priority when in Priority 1 over sim 1 & Repeater Wan, which I don’t want unless it is the strongest signal where I am.
So basically, I want all connections active in priority 1 through fusion cloud, but I want to set the priority based on the speeds where I am. Is this possible, or am I way off base here?