SDX Pro - Random Reboots

Hi all,

Unfortunately we’ve experienced two random reboots on an SDX Pro running 8.5.1 build 5955.

The reboots were ~17 days apart.

The SDX has two power supplies on separate UPS in a climate-controlled IT room - and no other rack equipment is experiencing any issues.

I’ve submitted a diagnostic log to Peplink support - but that was over a week ago and no feedback yet.

The event log doesn’t show much, just the “Started up (8.5.1 build 5955)” entry after the unexpected reboot.

Any ideas of anything to check? Any configuration settings that might be involved?

Thanks all!

@Matt_Ross: Minor suggestion – post the ticket number in this thread.

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Good call thanks @Rick-DC !

Ticket # 25010599

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We had unexplainable reboots on one of our EPXs, and determined it was a faulty 4x SFP+ FlexModule.


Hi @JasonHilton,

That’s interesting… We do have the 4xSFP+ FlexModule installed as we use DAC cables to uplink to the switch.

How did you end up determining it was the FlexModule? Trial and error? Or did anything show up in the logs? (still waiting for Peplink support to respond to my ticket with the diagnostic logs)

Thanks for sharing!

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There wasn’t anything conclusive in the logs.
We suspected the FlexModule from the beginning as the only change we made prior to the reboots was adding a 3rd fiber link to it. The reboots started getting more frequent until we removed (and then later replaced) the module.

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We had this issue on 8.5.0
Peplink confirmed, that there was an firmware bug (something with qos)

Thanks @Leopold_Strobl for sharing!

We’re on the latest 8.5.1 firmware and don’t have any QoS settings configured (to my knowledge).

Unfortunately it just happened for a THIRD time.

This ticket has been open for over two weeks - and still no resolution (or root cause) from Peplink Support.

Is support really this bad?

Their latest response was to expect a delay due to Chinese New Year.

This isn’t enterprise-level support.

@Matt_Ross found the ticket, let us look into that and get back to you soon.