An update. My SOHO surf router arrived 8/25/18. I bought it from the 3G store.* They provide an "Advanced Setup Guide" for home users who follow Michael Horowitz; he recommends the SOHO surf on his "Router Security" blog. Within a few hours I was set up without a snag or need to reset to the default configuration and start over. I could do it in less than an hour had I not been a complete naif. I updated the firmware with the special build 7.1.1s022-build1344; link (see below) found in sitloongs 8/21 reply in this thread [Surf SOHO MK3 never finishes connecting to cable modem if modem reboots - #35 by peparn. The router had no problem connecting with my ancient Motorola surf SB6121 and has worked flawlessly for 3 days now. Thanks sitloongs and the Peplink team for providing the special build!
I set up a simple LAN and WAN with most of the security features enabled. I have some more learning to do before I set up VPNs and the rest of the security features. What great control, though! I blocked an obnoxious redirect on the iOS Safari browser on my iPhone, which the iOS and Safari couldn’t block. Awesome!
I didn’t set up a POS VPN or other commercially useful networks. It looks like it would be straightforward using the Peplink "PCI_Compliance_Guide" post by sitloongs 8/20/18 in the “Router hardening” thread Router Hardening
I am grateful for the invaluable help I received from the forum, the 3G store and Michael Horowitz. Thanks to Rick-DC, peparn, Don_Ferrario, Jaywalker and all the others who took time to reply to my posts.
*I don’t know if this was the work of Peplink or 3G store packaging folks, but they used incredibly neat hospital corners with the packing tape – who does that? How is it possible? Amazing. The exterior engineering on the SOHO is impressive: the articulation and sturdy construction of the wireless antennae is miles better than the cheap plastic ones on my retired TP-Link. I think I won’t open the box to check the connections and inspect the board but it is probably as impressive as the outside. Nice work!