While the app shows in Apple Store, it doesn’t show anymore in Play Store (Android). The Router Utility website (Router Monitoring App - Router Utility- Peplink) still shows Google Play store logo in there however clicking the link it gives a 404 result.
Does anyone know if the app is still available and where it can be downloaded?
Still seems to be an issue. Is this going to be fixed? Can anyone provide an update on this? I bought my device because of this feature and do not own a apple device (android only)
Having the same problem. ‘Item Not Found’ in Google Play Store. Does anyone know if the app is still available and where it can be downloaded?
Nobody has a final and straight answer to this?
Hi All,
We are working to restore the Apps to be available via the Google App Store. We will update again when the issue is resolved. 
The Peplink related Apps are restored now, as outlined in the related article.