Reset PIN in LCD panel Balance 380


we want to reset PIN in LCD panel Balance 380,is there solution/recommendation to recover it without losing the configuration
NB : the customer has lose the password and pin

Best regard

The PIN and password can be set via InControl. (along with grabbing a configuration backup)


Hello @mhbirri,
There are two ways to reset the LCD Front Panel Display PIN:

#1 through the device web admin page (if not managed via InControl2)

#2 through InControl2


If you can not do either of these, then the only option is a factory reset by Peplink (you will need to send the device to Hong Kong to have that done); there is no way for this to be done in the field, its part of the security of the Peplink enterprise range.

If you are stuck, reach out to your Peplink Partner from whom these were acquired or contact Peplink’s Help desk (raise a support ticket). You can also PM (private message) me if you wish.

Have a good week,
Marcus :slight_smile: