Reset password and keep settings on balance one

I forgot the password. I changed it in a security fear frenzy, and now I forgot. I don’t want to lose all my settings. Anyway to reset the password only? I don’t have incontrol2, but now I want it.

Hi Yoann,

In InControl2 at Group level, simply click on “Settings> Device System Management” and then “Device Web Admin Management”, from there you can change your password. To renew your subscription to Incontrol2 please follow the following link, do not forget to register on the platform to make the purchase and verify that your device is enabled to acquire the subscription.

Good luck.

One more update : I had a ticket open where I sent the diagnostic reports, with Billy L.
Open Ticket #2645 in Usersnap Dashboard, from 2018 when I set it up. It was never transferred to my account even though Billy said he did it.