Requesting help to set up a Balance 20X for home use...20X will not connect

thank you wc.


8.1.3 has me back online with the B20X. HOO-RAH!

There are still a few issues to iron out and I’ll update as warranted.

TK, had me unplug everything. Modem, router etc. After 20 minutes of all devices being unplugged, I was to plug in the B20X FIRST. Let it sit for five minutes, I waited roughly, ten. Then, plug in the modem, Cat cable and power. Let it sit 5 minutes. Then verify if connected. It did connect. I’ve tested two days straight and it has not lost a signal or connection once. Except when I disconnect on purpose wait X hours and reconnect. As long as I follow the above protocol, at this point I can say connection is a given.

The few issues to be ironed out are because TK, “sees” something and I am to install 8.1.3 with a different build. I intend to install this other update tomorrow. I will advise.

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