Remove device from incontrol2 without loosing running configurations


Can i remove my devices from incontrol2 account without loosing the running configurations such as (WAN, LAN, Outbond Policy, PepVPN )

My current topology is
1- i have two BPL-1350 in HA mode as for head quarter (Main Location)
2- i have two BPL-1350 in HA mode as for (DR Location)
3- i have several BPL-20 in each branch
4-VPN profiles are established from each branch to HQ in normal case, and it will be directed to DR location in case of emergency

By the way, Every thing is going well as for web-based configurations,

My question is, can i move the running configurations from web to local devices without need to re-configure every thing.

I know that i can download the configuration for each device then remove this device from incontrol2 “Which means the device will factory-reset” then upload the configuration to this device locally

Well, is there any another way to do this…

Many Thanks

Hi @hani,

Can you confirm that all of the configuration has been done at “Group” level within InControl2 rather than Organisation level? If so, we may have a solution, but we want to double check before posting here.



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Dear Steve
I do really appreciate your response
As for the confirmation, yes i do

Hi @hani,

The process for removing a device from InControl2, with “Group Level” settings configured for devices is:-

  1. Create a brand new group in the same Organisation - do not set any device configurations.
  2. Move a device from the current Group to the New group created above - you should see a message asking if you want the device to retain the InControl applied settings - click yes.
  3. Check the device has retained the settings
  4. From the device, disable InControl Management (do NOT remove it from InControl).

It may be worth testing this with a device first, by adding it to the current group, allowing the settings to be pushed to it and then running the steps above. If possible, test with a Balance 20, to simulate a remote location.

I would recommend moving the Balance 20’s first - one at a time to start with, until you are confident that the settings are retained and there is no downtime.

I would then move the “Slave” 1350 from the DR site, followed by the “Slave” from the HQ.

Lastly, I would move the “Master” 1350 from the DR site, then the “Master” from the HQ.

Once you have finished, All of the devices should be in the new group (created in step 1), but they should have their InControl management disabled, at the device level (and therefore, they will appear offline):-

On the System Tab, click “InControl” on the left menu and remove the “Tick” - this stops InControl management.


Hope this helps,
