Redundant packet generated by WAN Smoothing even if it is disabled?

I see a lot of redundant packets generated by WAN Smoothing in there charts:

… also in the range of 2k packets/sec.

WAN Smooting is turned OFF.

Is there an easy explanation to this?
Can it cause performance degradation?

I think these packets might be the “test” packets for weighted bonding… as soon as 1 of my 2 WANs go down they stop.

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Thank you. 2k packets/sec still seems to be a lot for test…

Yes, 2k seems extreme. Mine are almost nothing.

But I will admit, I’ve configured mine in an odd way… I found it works better with my side set to DWB and the FusionHub side set at bonding :-), which is why you don’t see test packets coming from the FH towards me :slight_smile:

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