Quick check before I buy please!

I’m about set on buying a Balance20x for my home network but wanted to check a few details before I commit.

  1. Can I prevent certain devices from using SpeedFusion cloud? Specifically a smart tv.
  2. Do you receive alerts when on cellular?
  3. Is it easy to turn on/off the SpeedFusion feature entirely? It would seriously reduce my bandwidth (my main ISP is 400/30) and I only want the “unbreaksble internet” when on important video calls.


Welcome to the forum!

Yes, you might need to build a custom outbound policy to do that but its a drag and drop process. ie send all traffic via SpeedFusion Cloud as the default, then above that a rule that identifies traffic from the smart TV by using its MAC address and pick a load balancing algorithm for it.

I would recommend the router utility app for that otherwise you can set email notifications up also.

Yes. You could just send zoom and teams traffic via SF and send everything else out direct. Take a look at Peters video here which also shows custom outbound policy setup too.

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Thanks for the reply! Got a few more questions…

These types of traffic are already encrypted by a software vpn (Cisco AnyConnect) installed on my work computer, which I believe means the router can’t recognize them as separate services. Do you think the router could recognize this vpn traffic overall though?

Is it easy to just quickly turn off/on the SpeedFusion? The nature of my primary internet connection is that it’s rock solid for weeks on end, but then at random it will be less reliable for a few days at a time. Of course those days are always when I have an important meeting!

True - the only thing the router will see is the encrypted tunnel itself. Do you use this for all traffic from your work device?

Yes in that you must connect to a VPN server at work so you should be able to identify that traffic by destination IP and/or port.

Yes. select the rule that sends traffic via SpeedFusion Cloud and disable it then click apply. No reboot needed.

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Yes I do. Although I am hoping my employer establishes a more nuanced system eventually, this is how it works now. The first thing I do when I turn the computer on is connect to the vpn.

Ah, I think that would work.

Thanks for the help and enjoy your evening!

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