Product suggestion please - simple point to point vpn

This is really simple but…I will ask anyway.

I have two small networks, isolated, no internet, in separate locations, a few hundred yards away. I have two devices Device A and Device B that need to talk to each other one in Building A, one in Building B (far away). Basically I need a wireless Ethernet cable.

So I assume two modems are needed, one in each building.
The architecture I assume to be correct is below.

Between the two buildings/modems, the devices that must speak to each other use BACnet protocol that inherently uses BROADCASTING and will not pass through NAT. I have other options here, but prefer the default Broadcasting protocol.

  • Will the setup below work (like a wireless Ethernet cable)?
  • What is the basic configuration in software?
  • What product should I buy? Will BR1 Mini’s work, or the new Max Adapter?
  • Since this will be an Always On mandatory connection (no life safety or hazards involved), I need to be sure that the modems have NO EXPIRING SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES (except for the Verizon Data Plan).
  • Please suggest what hardware, ect?

Building A
DHCP Server @

  • ---------Device A (static)
  • ---------Modem A (static)

Building B

  • --------Device B (static)
  • ---------Modem B (static)

Line of sight between the two locations?
Big question is possibly why use Peplink at all?

A pair of preconfigured, L2 bridged P2P wireless radios would do this.
You could get a no brand pair for <$60 or a Ubiquitiy pair for $120-$250 depending bandwidth required.

If you want to use Peplink for remote monitoring / management etc, then that is a good idea, and your mention of Verizon suggests you want to bridge over cellular?

How much bandwidth do you need?

Any Peplink device can create a L2 bridge over cellular so long as you go via a Fusionhub (unless you pay for a public IP on the SIMs as cellular uses CGNAT which blocks inbound connections).

Depending on bandwidth required I’d be looking at the B-One for this either the B-One Plus or B-One 5G. And if it was me, I’d likely combine the P2P wifi bridge in the solution too with cellular as failover.

Your no license / subscription thing is challenging though. B-Ones are primecare which is annual from Year2, Fusionhub is annual from year 2 also.