Port Forwarding Issue: WiFi WAN to VLAN with Incorrect Source IP

I have a Peplink MAX BR1 Pro 5G, and I’m experiencing an issue with forwarding packets from the WiFi WAN ( to VLAN 4 ( After configuring port forwarding in the WiFi WAN to a server at in VLAN 4 for a single port, I noticed that the packets are being forwarded to the server, but the source IP address is not the LAN port address (; instead, it’s the source address of the client on the WiFi network (

I would like to know how to configure the Peplink router to use the LAN port ( as the source IP address when forwarding packets from the WiFi WAN, and reverse the process for traffic in the other direction. Could you please help me resolve this issue?


Try this link.

Hello Marcelo,
Thank you for your relay, i did checkout the link and tried the two configurations but the source ip address is not changing.


This was are you looking for and not work?

Let me see… What I can found here…

This is the configuration that i did use, i have wifi network ( and lan network vlan id 4 (



NAT configurations?

Do you network, configurations (static nat for vlan) ?

I did enable inter-vlan routing.


but… looking at your screen…

virtual NAT… is empty.