PoE Output on more Modems


I would like to express my thoughts on your hardware options you have available and a suggestion going forward.

We use a number of the MAX-BR1-ENT modems.

These particular units have the option of a PoE out port. This is very useful to us as it allows us to power up ethernet devices from the modem and then we do not require another PoE Injector devices. The other great thing is we get to use InControl2 to control the modem remotely and enable/disable the poe device with poe control.

We did really like the MAX BR1 ENT for our application too and wish it or something like it was available still.

Can you please consider making & providing a new modem, like the MAX BR1 series with PoE out?

Thank you.

Adam, Have you seen the new Max Transit Pro E, which has a 5G modem and POE out?

It also has 8GB of storage for edge computing, its a slightly higher end model.

The transit ProE looks like an awesome product! Although it does not appear to have any plans to make its way into the US market.

Would be nice if PepLink engineering team could reply to these Feature Requests.