
Peplink + Citrix + VoIP Adds Up to Fast, Cost-Effective WAN for Pluss

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A Peplink customer since 2006, Pluss is a social enterprise that each year makes gainful employment a reality for more than 5000 disabled and disadvantaged UK citizens. With 37 locations and 300+ active users, Pluss makes heavy use of its WAN infrastructure, which until recently was built on managed MPLS lines.

Hoping to cut expenses and, if possible, boost performance at the same time, Steve Taylor, IT Manager at Pluss, set out to find a solution that would allow Pluss to replace costly MPLS service with a commodity alternative, such as DSL or EFM.

Steve found the solution Pluss needed in Peplink products, especially the Balance series of high-performance enterprise routers and SpeedFusion bonding technology. Pluss now powers its entire WAN infrastructure with simple-to-install, highly reliable, and cost-effective Peplink gear, which allows it to aggregate DSL and other commodity connections and replace expensive leased lines.

Interview with Steve Taylor, IT Manager at Pluss

We recently interviewed Steve Taylor to learn more about how Pluss reduced costs, improved reliability, and simplified IT management with Peplink.

Unbreakable VoIP with SpeedFusion

Steve was kind enough to walk us through Pluss’ Peplink migration and multisite deployment. Steve also demonstrated how Pluss uses SpeedFusion for unbreakable VPN connectivity between sites using VoIP and Citrix. Check out the video to see how Pluss is delivering better service to its clients – while saving money – with Peplink.

Pluss Deep Dive

Want to know more? Get the Pluss Deep Dive, in which Steve Taylor takes you deep into Pluss’ Peplink installation with an extended interview and deployment notes – from first engagement to full deployment.

Our Peplink WAN has become a strategic enabler of all of our customer facing services.”

Steve Taylor Pluss