Periods of packet loss when running dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6

I have a MAX Transit 5G with a 2nd-gen Starlink in bridge mode for primary uplink. While I know the IPv6 support is currently pretty basic, I do appreciate having dual-stack connectivity. About two weeks ago, I started getting a high amount of packet loss, but only when IPv6 is enabled. The packet loss is across both stacks. Curiously, it’s not sporadic - when pinging, I will get a minute or so of good pings with low latency and no loss, and then it just drops off. Sometimes both stacks drop at the same time, but the general experience is the same. (That is, neither stack stays up consistently.)

Initially when I experienced the packet loss Starlink chalked it up to a bad cable (thanks for the free cable!) but that’s not the case since IPv4-only works fine. Peplink said the packet loss was due to an incompatibility between the ethernet driver on the Starlink vs. my router, but even after inserting a switch between the SL and MAX, I have the same problem.

Anyone experienced something similar?

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Helpful update on this topic from another thread: 12v POE for Starlink Gen 3 & MAX BR1 Pro 5G - #4 by Paul_Mossip

I can confirm similar issues with IPv6 stack enabled on a Balance Two router with a bunch of Peplink 24 Rugged Switches supplying several AP AC One Minis and AP One AX Wifi Access Point connected to it via PoE.
We are facing particularly problems invluding the one with DNS packets getting lost via WIFI APs from different VLANs as the issues described in the post of the link you provided.
We are not using Starlink, but Vodafone Business Cable WAN connection and are connected to a Fritz!Box 6660 Cable (BTWO → DMZ).
The FB delegates suitable IPv6 sub addresses from our fixed IP range to the BTWO and its clients (Prefix Delegation).
We also had DNS over Https enabled using IPv4 DNS Servers from all the time testing. (Question: I am not sure if this leads to conflicts if IPv6 stack is active?? Unsure if I then should insert the IPv6 DNS servers instead? Does anyone know about the right setting and can please give advice?). Then I disabled that at the end, but without any noticeable improvement.
However clients (mobiles, IOT devices, Homepods) are facing delays while web browsing or webpages or streaming servers are not reachable or only after several tries.

Additionally, our clients are facing issues to reach devices connected to other VLANs, for which access protection was configured only using the IPv4 LAN address via BTWO‘s firewall rules (Note: IPv6 firewall rules… how should that work with ongoing changing local IPv6 fd fe addresses of the clients? :slight_smile: )…
I had already discovered further issues with Peplink IPv6 and VLANs, see here:
I ended up disabling IPv6 on the BTWO to reduce these complaints.