Pepwave units for Drones and Unmanned Systems

Hello Peplink Users!
I would like to share two Pepwave units modified for specific use on Drones and Unmanned Systems.

beyAIR-SOLO (MAX BR1-Mini)
beyAIR-DUO (SpeedFusion Engine)

Our goal was to lower the units weight as much as possible. On the beyAIR-SOLO we cutted down 100g, on the beyAIR-DUO 150g.

If you should have drone and unmanned systems project where weight is an issue, get in contact to us.

Thanks, Jarno


Hello @Jarno_Puff,
That’s rather clever, I google your SKUs and took a look at the what could be seen on the internet
Be great to see some implementation photos of the SpeedFusion Duo when you have an opportunity to post.
I’d be interested in working with you on these and your systems for Australia & New Zealand. PM me and we can exchange details to talk further.
Happy to Help,
Marcus :slight_smile:

Thanks Marcus,
we will post some pictures as soon we have the first business case with the DUO. The SOLO is still in use by few customers. However, the DUO will be a killer application as the regulation for drones flying in urban locations need to have some redundancy on the com link.

Best, Jarno

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Second round! The beyAIR-DUO on the SFE basis. However weight of about 200g instead of 350g and standard SMA connectors.


New beyAIR-DUOv2. Same size as SFE bit 256g only. Can be 195g if heatsink will be changed with the fan.


This is a very nice one. Actually you could post this on so other community members that might need a lighter enclosure can go with this carbon fiber enclosure. You might not need the heatsink when it’s installed on a Drone. We put a heatsink there just for the device to work under a concealed environment.


Hi Alex, thanks for the notice!

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I’, not able to find a way to write a post on Any help would be very appreciated.

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Would it not make sense to propose antennas with the casing? Not as if there were many options to put antennas on a drone, is it?

You save in antenna cable length and connectors weight.

What do you mean with “to propose antennas with the casing”?

Integrate antenna PCB in your printed external case and connect it directly to MMCX (?) connector on the cellular module.

Maybe Peplink team can design the circular/square antenna to place around our on top of the SFE? @Alex

Weight/Resiliency optimized router is a must for drones, you’re on an interesting path.

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The issue is that antennas should be outside the drone frame and respect the MIMO rules (90° and minimum distance requirement) for best performance. Also there are a variety of antennas for a variety of applications. However your mind was totally correct :slight_smile:
We made a R&D Test drone to test all possible configurations.

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I can already see @MartinLangmaid spinning on his chair of excitement.

Very nice designs !

Can’t you use the drone propellers as antennas ? :stuck_out_tongue:




:: Stops spinning and starts looking for a camera… ::


Antennas on the propeller becomes “circular polarized” :stuck_out_tongue: