PepVPN setup over Verizon Cellular Interface


I have been searching the forum for a link or knowledge base document with instructions to setup a standard VPN and Layer 2 PepVPN between and ENT and LTE router, using Verizon Wireless. Alas I have come up empty handed.

We currently have an established Layer 2 PepVPN network, using Verizon Wireless (our only network option) using a MAX_BR1_ENT as a hub for 7 connected MAX_BR1_LTE field devices. We need to split that network, isolating two operations. To do so, we purchased two new MAX_BR1_ENT units and a 20 peer VPN license. One of the ENT units will become the new hub for 4 of the LTE units. Every ENT and LTE router has it’s own Fixed IP Address.

I did not set up the original PepVPNs so I don’t know how it was done, though I can look at all 8 devices to see how they’ve been configured. Using that information, I tried to build a Layer 3 PepVPN between the two new ENT routers, for practice, though they will not connect. My assumption is I have to establish a Layer 3 VPN before converting it to Layer 2.

Does anyone have the procedure to set up PepVPNs across a Cellular network?

Thank you,
Steve C., IPWarrior

PepVPN is configured in one of two places - either automatically using InControl2 or manually on the devices themselves. If you can edit the VPN profiles on the routers they are setup locally.

I have a demo of layer 2 vpn here

And layer 3 here:

That might be useful.

If not I’ll happily set it up for you. Send me a private message on here if you’d like me to take a look.

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Hi Martin,

I’ve have a number of projects in the works, plus a customer got hit by a power surge yesterday so I’m just now getting to this.

I greatly appreciate your input and will try to get these watched this evening.

I’ll keep you posted.


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