PepVPN is much slower than the link (even without bonding)

Dear All,

I have been using SpeedFusion bonding on 20X for 2 years. For a while, I am not getting anymore even close to the total bandwidth of the 2 LTE links.

Recently I realized the even if I just enable a single link for the PepVPN, then the bandwidth of the PepVPN is significantly lower than the bandwidth of the used link itself.
The problem:
Cell 1 bandwidth without PepVPN: ~70 Mbps
Cell 1 bandwidth with PepVPN: ~30 Mbps
Cell 2 bandwidth without PepVPN: ~140 Mbps
Cell 2 bandwidth with PepVPN: ~49 Mpbs

I assume there is a low hanging fruit for PepLink or for myself which can be fixed.

Any suggestions are appreciated.