We have VSAT system that will be used for cellular backhaul for remote area. Unfortunately the cellular provider need L2 connection with multiple vlan, while our VSAT system use L3 connection with max mtu 1632.

Is there away to adjust WAN mtu on peplink to 1632 ? so we can get maximum mtu for the L2 connection. We need to keep the mtu above 1500 after the tunnel if possible so there won’t be any problems with the cellular service also to utilize the VSAT bandwidth more efficient we don’t use packet fragmentation.

Thanks before.

May I know what model you are using?

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For testing purpose right now we are using Balancer 380 for HQ and Balancer 210 for Branch.
I forgot to mention that this system is used with private VSAT system. so access to Incontrol2 will be via HQ.

Thanks for your response.

May I know SpeedFusion tunnel will be established between Balance 380 and 210? If so, is it a Layer 2 or Layer 3 SpeedFusion?

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Yes it will be established between 380 and 210 using L2 tunnel.
So we hope we can match the MTU for the VSAT link.