Peplink UBR AP issues

I have a UBR and currently using the built-in AP for wireless connectivity. The issue I am having is if I lose cell signal in remote areas the UBR stops transmitting the ssid. In other words in order to connect to the UBR I have to plug my laptop into one of the lan ports using a cat5 cable. Is this supposed to happen? I see no settings to control this. I have the latest firmware installed.

Thank you,

Hmm, I am not sure if this option is enabled such that when the UBR doesn’t have WAN/Internet connectivity, it stops broadcasting the Wi-Fi SSID.

By default, this option is Disabled.

It can be found in device https://Router-IP/cgi-bin/MANGA/support.cgi,

or, it could be configured from IC2 > Group > Wi-Fi AP > Group-wide Radio Settings.

Thank you for the reply. My UBR doesn’t seem to have that option available.

I’m thinking of just adding an external access point. Does the UBR LTE have a built in wifi controller?

UBR doesn’t come with AP Controller. I would suggest downloading Diagnostic Report when the problem occurs and then submitting a ticket for us to check. Please take note, downloading the Diagnostic Report when everything is running fine will not help to diagnose the issue.
