PepLink SoHo MK3 running firmware 8.30 with Starlink & ATT MiFi - fails to switch over when Starlink goes down?

I could use some help I live in a remoter area… off grid… barely any cell service… and I could use some help in setting up my SoHo MK3 router… in the past I have had 3 Wan inputs… 2 MiFI hotspot devices and 1 Satellite… when the Satellite goes down or is switched off at night in order to save power the WAN 2 or 3 take over… but now when the Starlink goes offline it doest swap over? could someone please advice me on what my settings should be? Perhaps the health check method? DNS ? or Ping? or? I also have tried attaching JPegs of my settings. but they dont seem to take?

Screenshots would help you should be able to copy and paste them into the editor here.

You should have satellite in Priority 1 on your dashboard, cellulars in P2. Sat should show as green, cellulars as yellow (standby) When you turn off the satellite it should show red in the dashboard, and the cellulars would turn green.

Is that what happens? If so we need to look at your outbound policies to see what is set there.

Thanks for your reply Martin,

you are correct… Starlink is priorty 1 and is green… cellular is priority 2 and is yellow… when I unplug the Starlink router and it’s ethernet cable from the SoHo it turns red and the SoHo automatically swaps over to the cell… But… because I live in a remote area and am off grid and use solar and batteries I have the starlink go into “sleep” mode from 12pm to 6am… and for some reason it doesnt auto switch over to the cell during that time? I tried to attach photos of screen shot settings… not sure if they are coming through? but I suspect it is in my health check settings for the Starlink? I have a choice of DNS lookup… Ping… or HTTP… I was set for DNS lookup… maybe I should change it to ping? Health Check Settings
Health Check Method

PING Hosts
Host 1:
Host 2:
Use first two DNS servers as PING Hosts
second(s) -4
Health Check Interval
second(s) -5
Health Check Retries - 3

Recovery Retries - 3

Hi Martin… my starlink went to sleep as scheduled tonight at 12:45am… the Verizon cell (priorty 2) came online fairly quickly… but for some reason only stayed online for less than 10 minutes? then I had no internet at all from the peeling soho? no Verizon nor the ATT (priorty 3) I wish I knew what my settings should be to have the verizon stay online while the starlink is sleeping?