Peplink SDX pro Agg question

I have 2 peplink routers that connects to my 2 Cisco Nexus switches that are in vpc mode. I need to configure Agg or LAG with LACP on both peplink routers with vlans (710 form LAN and 720 for WAN). i am not getting any support how to do that. The peplink vendor says we don’t know how to do that.
anybody who can help in that.

Thank you

Welcome to the forum!

You can find LACP settings in the local device admin page > Network > Port Settings. See How to Enable LACP on 2500? - #2 by Rokas_Musteikis for an example.

I’m not experienced with vPC on NXOS so good luck there, but please share your configuration parameters on the cisco side so others can learn (including me!). Thanks!

Hi… At the post your write “Peplink SDX”.

I don’t finded any information about Peplink SDX is ablle to support LACP

i am using SDX PRO. there is option for Link Aggregation but when I enable Link Aggregation one port on Cisco Nexus switch got suspended means the remote side (Peplink is not having LACP enabled). Here are the pictures.

Here is the second picture.

I’d check this: LAN/WAN port bonding types

I assume your nexus switches are not stacked? how are they operating together, if at all.

My Nexus switches are in VPC domain. in open standard vpc is Multi Chassis LAG. but the issue is fixed by enabling disabling the Link Aggregation checkbox multiple times on SDX Pro devices and that fixed the issue

That’s Awesome! :slight_smile: Can you post your nexus config snippet?

interface Ethernet1/11
description G20-SDX-175__E2
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 710,720
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
channel-group 11 mode active
no shutdown

interface Ethernet1/12
description G20-SDX-212__E2
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 710,720
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
channel-group 12 mode active
no shutdown
interface port-channel11
description G20-SDX-175__AGG1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 710,720
spanning-tree port type edge trunk
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
vpc 11

interface port-channel12
description G20-SDX-212__AGG1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 710,720
spanning-tree port type edge trunk
storm-control broadcast level 50.00
vpc 12

The interface configuration will be same for both Nexus switches.

Ah ok that makes complete sense, and is quite simple! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Does the output of “show lacp counters” on your Nexus show the SDX sending LACPDUs?

I’d assume someone has also done the physical sanity checking that the physical connections between the SDX and your Nexus are as expected?

Output from “show lacp neighbor” and “show lacp port-channel” should be able to confirm that though.

If you’re not getting LACPDUs from the SDX I’d probably open a support ticket with Peplink as what we can debug from the GUI and CLI is pretty limited here.

You could try a quick PCAP from the SDX perhaps - if you access the Peplink GUI via go instead to and there is a tool to grab a PCAP for you to look at in Wireshark, I’d hope to see LACPDUs being exhcanged both ways but it might also give you some clues.

The config you’ve shared on the Nexus side is what I’d expect to see though, so doubt there are any issues there (minus the storm control, not a fan of %age based limiters on high bandwidth links like this but that is up to you).

I don’t have an SDX Pro I can test against myself however one other thing that comes to mind is how Peplink defines WAN and LAN interfaces in their products - are you using the WAN-on-VLAN feature here, or did you tell the WAN interface for your “untrust” to tag specifically to vlan710?

I know the ports are configurable as WAN or LAN on the SDX in terms of the physical interfaces, out of curiosity does the LAGG come up on the SDX if you limit it to only the “untrust” VLAN being included in it?

Speculatively I wonder if there is some interaction happening here within the Peplink that might not be obvious.

Double-check the physical interfaces involved on both sides to ensure they are correctly added to the channel group.