Peplink Partner Tactical Wireless wins Scottish Enterprise Life Sciences Innovation Award

Peplink partner recognised for innovative real time data transmission from remote locations and also shortlisted for upcoming Medilink UK Awards 2015

Tactical Wireless Ltd won the Innovation award for its Omni-HubTM system– Service resiliency is enabled by the ability of the Hub to access, and control the use of, up to 4 cellular, 2 Wi-Fi, 2 satellite and one ADSL routes.

***“This diversity of delivery paths is further enhanced by the bonded WAN router technology from Peplink that splits the data between multiple routes and multiple servers.”

The Scottish Life Sciences Innovation Award judges recognised Omni-HubTM as a unique product that can transmit real-time data from remote locations, irrespective of the challenges caused by poor connectivity from insufficient telecommunications infrastructure in remote areas.

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