peplink load balance

Hi ,
I have now single peplink device .Planning to put HA

The below topology will work , firewall is fortigate 2


Looks fine, although you would have two wired WANs connected from each peplink (one to each ISP).
And I would likely add a pair of switches LAN side too.


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Why would you add two switch in lan side. ?

although you would have two wired WANs connected from each peplink (one to each ISP)
Sorry I did not get your point

In normal operation fg1 and peplink 1 are both master - all works.
When fg1 fails, fg2 takes over but it is only connected to the LAN of peplink 2 so can’t route traffic as peplink 1 is the VRRP master.
fg1 and fg2 need their WANs to be able to talk to the LANs of both peplinks at layer2 - so i put in a switch there.