Peplink balancer one


We are a hotel, we have 4 enequal wan ( 2x 20MB, 2x 4MB). is peplink balancer one enough for our need.

the routing will be made with firewall fortigate 100d.

Kind regards

Hi @Reda_Keraghel:

Thank you for your interest in the Peplink Solution. As long as you get the one-time LAN to WAN unlock/conversion for the Balance One (to get you a total of 5x WAN) this would work. Just keep in mind the rest of the specs of the unit to make sure that you’re not pushing things with more users/sessions than what it can handle but so far so good!

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Hi @Reda_Keraghel,

Specifications can be viewed here. Thanks again!

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thank you for your quick response !

how much cost us the licence to convert the 5 lan to wan ?

kind regards


As seen in the Online Store, the current pricing for this is $100.00 US.

How many users/sessions Balance One can handle?

That’s not on the specs. There is also no info on which processor and how much memory it has.

Hi @fbreve:

We rate the Balance One for around 60 users with normal web traffic but as you know if they’re doing something non-standard (Bittorrent, filesharing, etc) that can really chew up bandwidth and 10users (hypothetically) can have more of an impact than 60.

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