Hi everyone i have a peplink 1350 and on startup it boots but only lines on the screen like a bar code and i can not login to it any ideas?
Hi Michael
Please proceed to open a support ticket here so our team can better assist you on this.
Hi i have opened a ticket 4 days ago no answer up to now
Hi sure ID [Ticket #768516]
Peplink device has been hanging frequently in last 3-4 months and after numerous rounds of power-cycle the device would eventually return to normalcy.
However, device went down y’day and it is not booting anymore.
PFA peplink’s console screenshot showing error.
This was taken using serial cable connected to device on baud rate 115200.
Most of the time, console doesn’t even connect.
Also, device’s display image is attached showing only dots.
The console log seems to indicate compact flash is corruption
Would appreciate if you could help us revive the device. Or let us know if the device is recoverable or not.
@madhukar, we will follow up with you in ticket since you have opened it. I suspect this is hardware problem.
Same display issue here ID [Ticket #780341]
Thanks for opening the ticket. We will follow up with you!
Today one 580 from ine client crash with boot loader, same problem
What solution you provide?
Somebody know if is possible remplace compactflach, I think SO is corrupt, I try to search commands via SSH and dindt found comands to upload via console new firmware …
Hello @Enrique,
Please open a support ticket through Contact Us and post your ticket number here also, one of the support specialist within Peplink will pickup the ticket for you.
Happy to Help,
So what was everyone’s solution to these? Did you have to have hardware replaced?
What was the solution on these? Was this all hardware related?
If the device failed to boot after it was rebooted, then it should be hardware issue. Else, please open ticket to investigate.
Hello, I have ticket 740948 open - I have not had a reply back on it.
@Casey_Strom, I will follow up with you in the ticket.
with my 1350 it happens exactly the same, I already opened ticket # 20050235, any solution?
@Dorau Ticket#20050235 has been picked up by the support team, will follow up further with you in the ticket.