What an insane little device. I’ve been lurking here since buying the B One in August. I was drawn to the product based on the need for a dual WAN home based device that didn’t break the bank but also provide a ton of features. This thing has not disappointed one bit. I then bought an AP One AX and meshed to take care of some dead spots in the house. I’m just saying thanks for having such an incredible eco system of devices with an awesome community behind it.
Dual WAN is Starlink (250Mbps/15Mbps ish) and Zito Coax (1Gb/100Mb).
I do not utilize speedfusion, I don’t really have a need for it. Just actually had Zito installed yesterday so I haven’t had too much time on the Dual WAN working and what not. I do work from home 365 (network architect). So far it has worked awesome, I can see traffic load balanced. I am interested to see how Teams works with this scenario.
I’m going to keep lurking now, thank you!