Peplink App- adopting existing router

Hi all

Is there any way to use the iOS app with an existing router? Ad soon as I select my router it deletes ALL my settings

Am I missing something?

Others may have different views, but I wouldn’t recommend using an app to manage your devices unless you have relatively straightforward configs. Anytime you’re going to want configurations that are more complex, or you want to enforce consistency across a fleet, use IC2 directly.

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Hello @Mark_Anderson7878,
None of our customers use the iOS app for the reasons that @ChristopherSpitler shared. From our testing, the app is too basic and causes conflicts when the device gets configured additionally from the local web admin or via InControl2.
Stick to using the Peplink InControl2 platform, and for those on-the-run checks and monitoring, use the Peplink InControl2 iOS app; it is a much more secure (when used with 2FA/MFA), stable, and reliable way to manage all Peplink device models remotely.

Happy to Help,
Marcus :slight_smile:
zero, none

I’ll offer a different perspective. We’ve found the app to be an extremely valuable tool for monitoring devices but we don’t use it it configure. It’s free and does not involve “cloud” or any third party. I “just works” and unlike IC2, is simple to learn and use.
Two important considerations, however: We configure it to log-in using “Read-Only” credentials only, not as “Admin.” Second, We allow access via LAN-side only. So, if one wants to remotely monitor one must establish a connection into the device or another device to which it is connected via PepVPN or SpeedFusion. Access via WAN is never allowed. We do not think this procedure presents any more security risk than allowing “cloud” access.


Thanks. Is there a way to put it into monitor only.

That’s really what I want, as it’s quicker to check stuff than go to a browser, enter URL, tell it it’s OK to go to non-HTTPS site and then enter crews.

Thanks for replies. I really don’t use IC2 much, as I travel full time and just have my MAXBR2 and WAP. If I lose connectivity somehow I need to be able to get to the device without internet access. This has caused me problems in past, so I stick to local management.

Why main use for the app would just be a quick way to check stuff without having to login via browser

One approach: If you use iOS just got to the app store and download Router Utility. It’s great for quickly answering basic questions like:

  • Are my WANs all up?
  • Is client XXX connected?
  • Are my SpeedFusion tunnels connected?
  • What’s the router’s present throughput?
  • What version of the firmware am I running?
  • Does the event log show anything of interest?

This app “just works.” Please note the “important considerations” in my comment above, however.

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