Peplink API using python


I hope this is the right place for my question.
I am having some difficulties using the API with python.
Does anyone here have experience using Peplink API with python?

The Python package that calls API is - request.

I managed to login into peplink from python using:

import requests
url = ‘https’: //
url1 = url + api/login?username=username&password=password’
response = requests.get(url1)

– { “stat”: “ok”, “response”: { “permission”: { “GET”: 0, “POST”: 0 } }

I also mannaged to change permission using POST
response =, {“response”: {“permission”: {“GET”: 1, “POST”: 1}}})

– { “stat”: “ok”, “response”: { “permission”: { “GET”: 1, “POST”: 1 } }

The next step after login was to try the desirable URL according to the documentation:

url2 = url + /api/status.wan.connection?id=1 2’
response = requests.get(url2)

according to the documentation I should expect:

– { “stat”: “ok”, “response”: { “1”: { “name”: “CUST WAN 1”, “enable”: true, “asLan”: false, “message”: “Connected”, “uptime”: 27037017, “type”: “ethernet”, “virtualType”: “ethernet”, “priority”: 0, “ip”: “”, “statusLed”: “green”, “mask”: 24, “gateway”: “”, “method”: “dhcp”, “mode”: “NAT”, “dns”: [ “”, “” ], “mtu”: 576 }, “2”: { “name”: “WAN2”, “enable”: true, “asLan”: false, “message”: “No Cable Detected”, “uptime”: 27066417, “type”: “ethernet”, “virtualType”: “ethernet”, “priority”: 0, “statusLed”: “red”, “method”: “static”, “mode”: “IP Forwarding”, “mtu”: 1440 }, “order”: [ 1, 2 ] } }

but what I get is:

– {“stat”: “fail”, “code” :“401”, “message”: “unauthorized”}

Any chance anyone might help me fix that?

kind regards,


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