Outbound policy not following priorities


I have a BR1 with Starlink connected to the WAN interface. However, the Starlink is currently out of subscription. This shouldn’t be a problem, as it will fail DNS health check.

I have setup an SFC tunnel for the InControl traffic. Further, the default outbound policy is to prioritize the Cellular WAN over the Starlink WAN interface.

When this rule is applied however, I can no longer use the internet. Only traffic with peplink.com still works. Everything else times out in the browser. Ping still works however.

When is put the Starlink in priority on the dashboard, putting the interface in standby, everything works again.

I seems the default outbound policy rule is not followed at all, or at least not for DNS requests. What could be wrong? Thanks!

Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s a DNS issue on the Pepwave as with cached domains on the computer the websites can be reached. It seems the Pepwave keeps trying to use the Starlink for DNS requests whilst I see no reason to do so.

Or am I wrong somewhere?

OK, it might also have been the HTTPS Persistence rule in Outbound policy which is on by default, and on “by source”. I might have been on the Starlink for one moment, causing every attempt to go over the Starlink…

It would be better to turn of this default behaviour, as also earlier concluded in this topic: Outbound Policy vs HTTPS Persistence - #5 by mystery

By Default when WAN health check failed, traffics won’t be forwarded to the health check failed WANs. This is not expected. Please create a support ticket to allow support team to check.

This is more to the traffics distribution and should not related to the WAN health check failed that the HTTPS connection still persist at the problem WAN.

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