Outbound Policies when routing through another router

I have a BR2 that runs all of my wans. It is located in a different building up hill from my house to maximize cell signal reception. I use Outbound policies to drive traffic to certain WANs, FusionHub and SpeedFusuion. IP on that rourter is xxx.xxx.1.1

I recently replaced an outdated Balance 20 that could not be upgrade to 8.3, with a Balance 20X. IP on the Balance 20 was xxx.xxx.1.10 so it was part of the BR2’s network and almost in bridge mode. I installed the Balance 20X with IP of xxx.xxx.10.1

Now, since the BR2 only sees once connection from the Balance 20X none of my outbound rules are working. I have the BR2 plugged in as a WAN into the Balance 20X.

Is there a way to maintain Balance 20X as a separate network but still use outbound policies?

Hi there!

Why not just run the new Balance 20x as Synergy Master, and just use the BR2 as the Synergy Slave?
Then you’d get rid of double NAT and policy management.

What you describe is what we’ve done previously, but with Synergy mode we get rid of the job of managing routes and policies on both sides.


Thank you, that’s an interesting idea I hadn’t considered. Could I alternatively make the BR2 master and the 20X slave? Can you use network ports on a synergy slave?

That’s not how Synergy was designed - I’m actually not sure if it would work.
What would be the benefit here?

Even tho the Balance 20x is the “Master” you gain all the WANs of the BR2 Pro.

Here’s what it looks like,

Thanks for the reply. I have the BR2 as a Synergy Master already, with a Max TST Duo as slave so I can use the modems in the Duo. I’m getting ready to put my old Balance 30 behind the BR2 as well to take advantage of it’s 3 WAN interfaces and cat 6 modem.

I have other network traffic in both locations. Maybe I’ll test using the Balance 30 LAN ports once I get it to Synergy Slave. If that works, I may Synergy Slave the Balance 20 and keep using the LAN ports on that end.

Do you know if it matters that I have fiber between the BR2 and the Balance 20X? Will synergy still work between them? Does it rely on a direct connection or just an ethernet connection?

If you can establish a link between them over VLAN it should work.
What do you mean by fiber? As in public fiber or just a direct link between?

I haven’t tried synergy over WAN, but surely it should be possible…

We’ve run synergy over SFP ports if your question is regarding to the media between devices.

The fiber is a direct bury between my barn and house with single mode drivers on the ends. You’ve given me a lit to think about and I’m warming to making the 20X a Synergy Slave.

I’ve used both my WAN ports on the BR2 now, one for the Max TST Duo slave and one for the Balance 30 slave.

Can you do Synergy Master from a VWAN port? I don’t see my VWAN as selectable in the Synergy window.

Sorry for late reply!

Yes, you can run Synergy mode on a VLAN WAN (Now with latest Firmware 8.4.1).

We’re running multiple setups with VLAN WAN as synergy links through corporate/enterprise LAN infrastructure.