Optimum Health Check Settings

I have a Balance One installed in a small 15 room hotel. There is a connection to a cable modem on WAN 1 and a DSL on WAN 2.

Obviously, the cable modem at 300mbps takes the traffic with the DSL at 3mbps for backup.

The issue is of late, other cable users in the area have started injecting interference into the cable plant that takes weeks at a time to track down. That is causing disconnects for seconds to minutes at a time.

For obvious reasons, I want the System to know when the cable modem is non functional and rely on the DSL, which is being checked by DNS lookup. However, I want the traffic switched back to the cable modem ASAP as soon as possible when it’s available because of the 100x speed difference.

If I have all health check features set to their fastest, this happens, but I get upwards of 20 notifications a day.

I really do not need to be notified of an outage less than several minutes, I can see those when I check the logs daily, but I want the system to react to switch WANs ASAP.

I can slow the health checks down, but that will stop the Balance One from switching WANs as fast, if I understand the information correctly.

Is there a way to have the Balance One Switch WANs ASAP after a failure, but not send email/text alerts unless out for an extended period of time?

Do you try InControl2 group email notification feature ?

You can set the Silent Period and Alert delay to reduce the emails notification.

Detail info as below:

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