On what WAN is a host generating traffic?

In the Balance One web interface we can track global traffic, however it looks like there’s no way to understand what WAN traffic is being generated by a single host, as:

  1. Client list will show traffic for each host (not WAN)
  2. Real time traffic is global
  3. Active sessions will not show bandwidth usage

Conclusion: how can we view bandwidth usage for a single host, split by WAN?

Seems to be a tough question?

You can’t and I have never seen this asked for before. I have moved this over to the Feature Requests thread so we can see what the interest level is from the community.

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I think it would be a great feature!

For instance you could add column showing speed per each connection here:

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Any updates on including this feature in the near future?

I am also interested in a related feature, the ability to direct internet traffic per host (and group or subnet) to a specific WAN would be helpful for my projects.

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