Not able top connect a device with my pepwave

not able to talk to my electronic panel (who have lectronic card). Hello, I have access to my pepwave router remotely via my fixed ip address. I have an electronic panel board with an IP address and a gateway. Normally with my microhard routers, I enter the gateway in the LAN address of the router and I put the ip address of the panel in the DMZ and everything works. With the pepwave it does not work. Yet the pepwave sees the panel (device list). You could help me ?

Your description of the issue is a bit vague.
I assume that your electronic panel has an interface that you want to get at remotely. Maybe a web interface, maybe not. Does not matter.

You need to know the port number that the panel listens on.

You also need to give the panel a fixed IP address. That can be done either on the panel itself or in your router. If you do it in the panel, the IP needs to be outside of the DHCP range used by the router for the LAN segment where the panel resides.

Then you need to enable port forwarding in the Peplink router. You can expose the actual port that the panel uses or pick an obscure one. For example, if the panel listens on port 123, you can make a port forwarding rule that forwards input on public port 456 to the panel on local port 123.

Optionally, you can add an inbound firewall rule. The upside to this is first that it can provide an audit log of every port forward instance. In addition, it can be used to limit the accepted source IP addresses.

Good luck.