Nintendo Switch port forwarding and NAT mapping not working

I’ve got a Nintendo Switch I’m trying to use online with my granddaughters. It was working after I set up port forwarding a few months ago. Now it seems its not working any more. I’ve tried to update my firmware, reintsall the config file, no help. Returned to the previous firmware, reinstalled the config, still no help. Delete all port forwarding and Nat related entries and it still didn’t work. I have a peplink Max Transit Pro with Starlink, one cell sim connection and TMobile home internet. None of the sources would change the result. I decided to try park wifi and it finally worked, but obviously that’s not a solution as I’ll be travelling from park to park. Why am I not able to configure my port forwarding to get the correct NAT type for the Nintendo Switch. Nintendos set up is simple. set up a static IP address and add port forwarding rule.

Any help would be appreciated.


Please… can you check the IP address at WAN?
to be a public ip the ip address of the wan cannot be

  • 10.x.x.x
  • 172.16.x.x to 172.31.x.x
  • 192.168.x.x
  • 100.64.x.x to 100.127.x.x

Hi Marcelo,
Sorry it took so long to reply. We were traveling this weekend and didn’t get a chance to set things up. I’ve checked the WAN addresses for all my connections and they do all read 192… or 10… I’m not sure how to get one of those to connect with an outside IP. Is that something else I missed?
Thanks in advance,

The above IPs are for my network connections such as TMobile, Sim card and Starlink from within Peplink admin page. The switch is showing a global IP of

So… You need to open an udp/tcp port?
or? just try and enable the uPnP?

About WAN ip…
Look at the dashboard…
Screenshot 2025-03-03 16.48.37

Thank you Marcelo,
So I have confirmed the WAN IPs are all 192.168 or 10.39.

I tried enabling uPnP and set up port forwarding like the article I added suggested. Still no help. You mentioned to open a udp/tcp port. Can you send a how to? I may have tried that, but I mainly hung around the port forwarding.

those IP address are not public ip.
private ip adresss are
172.16.x.x - 172.31.x.x

I can teach you to forward tcp/udp from wan to lan, but it not work, because you don’t have public ip addresss at wan.

Your sim card have a public ip adress… The forward from wan to lan, only will work with sim card.


Look at this URL…

It is a sample about how to do port forward.

Marcelo, this is what my WANs look like right now. I believe my Starlink had and external IP at one point. I read that this could have been caused by a NAT process. I checked all my settings and removed any config I added. I will reveiw the link you sent and see what I can do.


no… Starlink ( your plan $$) don’t have a public ip address…
no… Mobile ( your plan $$) don’t have a public ip address…

Yep… They (Starlink) are providing for your a NAT address (private ip address)

But… Because this… your rules from wan to lan, not work… and sorry to say… but never will work, whithout a external wan public ip address.

I’m not sure how I lost my external IP address then. My switch worked for a couple months with no problem. Now I don’t have an external IP. I’ve uploaded old config files and nothing seems to change. This is really strange.

This is not your fault…

Something at ISP (Internet Service Provider) has change… and nobody warn you, about this change.

Your best bet would be to ignore the nintendo guide, configure the switch with DHCP, remove all the port forward config and you should find that it works fine on the internet.

I’ve got 3 of them in my house, + xbox and gaming pc’s and have never had to configure port forwarding to use them. With older consoles and gaming on pc’s this was a thing but the new consoles deal with nat fine.

If you have set firewall rules you might want to check those, and if you have any custom config for outbound policy, you could maybe look to give the switch a simple config where it uses a single connection.

hope this helps

OP, i agree with @James_Webster5240 , but most importantly, please do not enable uPnP or do any port forwarding. These are two highly insecure things to do if you’re not extremely familiar with networking and, even then, it’s still a bad idea.

A cellular connection will not give you a public IP without paying and, in some cases, you require a business account to do this.

Starlink will not give you a public IP without having a business account.

I have had no issues with a Nintendo Switch on a NAT network like yours without those features.