New modem firmware Max BR1 pro 5GN not actual

When I try check new firmware for MAX BR1 PRO 5GN system show I have latest firmware, but when I check on Queltec site I found more latest firmware.

Here is one of:

Quectel RM520N-GL-AA Firmware RM520NGLAAR03A03M4G-

Can you add new firmware to auto update or this job must be done manually?

Well, I guess the first question is as to whether you are referring to router firmware of the modem firmware. The “check and update” feature via the GUI for router firmware works excellently and this can also be accomplished by IC2 if you use it. But this does not update the modem FW.

To check the modem FW one must go to the “semi-hidden” support menu and look for the section entitled “Cellular module firmware update.”

To get to this page from the GUI, replace “index.cgi” in the and all that follows in the URL with “support.cgi.” (This is discussed in several threads here on the Forum. One can also use IC2 to accomplish this.

Peplink does not blindly make new modem FW available as soon as it is published by the module manufacturers so it it is possible there may be newer FW available “in the wild” which is not available to Peplink users. I’d suggest allowing the Peplink equipment to determine when new cellular module FW is available and if it is suitable for installation.

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Hello, thanks for answer.

I have few max BR1 mini 5GN mini
and max BR1 pro 5GN

All they has same firmware and never show any update from begin. I know how to check by replacing “support” in link.

And date of current firmwares in my modems middle of 2023 year.

May be exist some reason why Current firmware: RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G_01.200.01.200 without update so long.

I have post question about latest firmware for for this modem on official Queltec forum and get answer.